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Pre-Owned Catamarans
With a network of experienced sales professionals, we offer a comprehensive portfolio of services to meet all your Catamaran needs.
Catamarans Sales
Catamarans are increasingly popular for both cruising and racing due to their stability, spaciousness, and performance characteristics. When considering catamaran sales, there are a few important aspects to keep in mind, including types of catamarans available, brands, buying tips, and market trends

A catamaran, or “cat” for short, is a multi-hulled boat with two hulls running parallel. This vessel uses geometry stabilization instead of relying on a ballasted keel like a monohull boat. This means its stability comes from the width of its beam.
Due to their broad stance and short draft, these boats are more steady than monohulls in rough waters. The two hulls effectively mitigate the effects of strong winds, preventing tipping. In addition, contemporary sailing boats can ‘wave pierce,’ or cut through, waves rather than simply riding them

Sailing catamarans feature roomy interiors thanks to the cockpit in the middle of two hulls. The typical layout of this cockpit includes a seating area, a hallway connecting the hulls, and areas for cooking and eating. The hulls typically hold living quarters and are near-identical to one another.
Pre-Owned Catamarans
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